Biblical Interpretation
Sola Scriptura, Exegesis, Hermenuetics,
Typology, Senses of Scripture
-- Dr. Hahn’s Books:
Catholic For A Reason I, Covenant and Communion, A Father Who Keeps His Promises, The Ignatius Study Bible, Letter and Spirit,The Letter and Spirit Journal, Scripture Matters, Spirit and Life
-- Dr. Hahn's Audio:
St. Joseph Communications carries an extensive list of Dr. Hahn's audio Bible Studies and more!
Visit their website by clicking here
-- Dr. Hahn's DVDs:
Biblical Theology of Benedict XVI
-- Dr. Hahn’s Recommended Resources:
Biblical Inspiration and Authority, History of Interpretation, Methods and Issues in Biblical Interpretation, Aspects of Biblical Inspiration by Pierre Benoit, Catholic Theories of Biblical Inspiration Since 1810 by James T. Burthcaell, On the Task of Interpreting Scripture
-- Additional Resources:
Articles: Scripture, Tradition and Canonicity; Canon, Cult and Covenant; Scripture and the Liturgy: Inseparably United, Worship in the Word: Toward a Liturgical Hermeneutic, A New Scriptural Springtime, Scripture is Sacramental, Sola Scriptura: A Blueprint for Anarchy, On the Task of Interpreting Scripture, Historical-Critical Scripture Studies and the Catholic Faith (Waldstein), The Historicity of the Gospels, Authorship, Inerrancy, and Historicity of Scripture, Is the Genesis Account of Creation Literally True?, St Thomas' Method of Biblical Exegesis, Sola Scriptura? Not According to the Bible,
Books: 'Sola Scriptura' in the Early Church, Scripture and Truth edited by Donald A. Carson and J.D. Woodbridge, Canon And Biblical Interpretation (Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, V. 7),