The Bible
Biblical authorship, how the canon was chosen, division of the books, which translation is best, historicity, inerrancy, etc.
-- Dr. Hahn's Books:
Catholic For A Reason I, A Father Who Keeps His Promises, The Ignatius Study Bible Series, Letter and Spirit, The Catholic Bible Dictionary, Faith Charts: The Bible At A Glance, A Pocket Guide To The Bible, Understanding the Scriptures
-- Dr. Hahn's Audio CDs:
St. Joseph Communications carries an extensive list of Dr. Hahn's audio Bible Studies and more!
Visit their website by clicking here
-- Dr. Hahn's DVDs:
Biblical Theology of Benedict XVI
-- Dr. Hahn’s Recommended Resources:
Introductory Manuals and Commentaries, New Testament , Old Testament,Scripture, Tradition and Canonicity , Scripture in the Liturgy and Catechesis, Carson, Donald A. and J. D. Woodbridge (eds.). Scripture and Truth.
-- Additional Resources:
Scripture and the Liturgy: Inseparably United, Scripture is Sacramental, Sola Scriptura: A Blueprint for Anarchy, The Bible and the Church: Both or Neither (Dr. Hahn), The Historicity of the Gospels, Authorship, Inerrancy, and Historicity of Scripture, New Light on the Genealogies of Jesus, The Complete Bible: Why Catholics Have Seven More Books, Church Fathers on the 'Catholic Bible', Church Fathers on the Canon of Scripture, Scripture, Tradition and Canonicity
Books: Canon And Biblical Interpretation (Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, V. 7),