The Sacraments
Baptism, reconciliation or confession, communion or eucharist, confirmation, holy orders, marriage, anointing of the sick or last rites
-- Dr Hahn’s Books:
Lord Have Mercy, Swear To God, Signs of Life
-- Dr. Hahn's Audio:
St. Joseph Communications carries an extensive list of Dr. Hahn's audio talks and more!
Visit their website by clicking here
-- Dr. Hahn's DVDs: Lord Have Mercy, Swear to God
-- Scholarly Articles:
Going on Vocation: Marriage and Holy Orders, Grace is For-Giving and For-Getting,Signed, Sealed & Delivered: Baptism and Confirmation
-- Additional Resources:
Articles: Church Fathers on Being “Born Again”, Church Fathers on Infant Baptism,Church Fathers on the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, Church Fathers on the Sacrament of Extreme Unction (Anointing of the Sick), Church Fathers on the Sacrament of Penance, Signed, Sealed & Delivered: Baptism and Confirmation (by Dr. Hahn), The Meaning of Sacraments, Purpose and Benefits of Sacramental Penance, The Road to Emmaus: Born Again Through Baptism (by Kimberly Hahn),Baptism of Desire,Baptism: Is There a 'Rite' Time?, Let the Children Come to Me: Why the Church Baptizes Babies, The Graces of Confirmation, The Mass: Timeless and Changing
Books: Sacraments in Scripture by Tim Gray